Early Behavioral Intervention

Ages 2 - 5

Behave Educate and Engage Kids in collaboration with Kids Park Child Care

BEE KIDS offers an early intervention day program that takes place in a small group setting, with 1:6 support with a behavioral interventionist. The program runs from 8:30am-6:00pm, Monday-Friday. We prepare children for a group setting, while also focusing on building important skills. Each day incorporates teaching in the areas of social skills, play skills, group activities, feeding, and behavior reduction. Each child has individualized goals focusing on language acquisition and communication. Toilet training support is also included for children who exhibit prerequisite skills.  The day program takes place in a classroom setting within Kids Park Child Care Centers and requires dual enrollment in BEE KIDS and Kids Park.

What is early behavioral intervention?

Early and Intensive Behavioral Intervention aims at achieving significant outcomes in a child’s behavior patterns. Children often inhibit signs of negative behaviors at early developmental ages, which, if ignored, could potentially lead to physical, psychological, or emotional hurt.

Developmental Milestones

Early intervention plays a pivotal role in facilitating and accelerating developmental milestones in children. During the crucial early years of life, a child's brain is highly adaptable and receptive to learning. By identifying and addressing developmental delays or challenges promptly, early intervention can provide tailored support, therapies, and strategies to stimulate cognitive, motor, social, and emotional development. This proactive approach helps children catch up to their peers and achieve age-appropriate milestones, ultimately enabling them to build a solid foundation for future learning and success. Through early intervention, children are given the opportunity to reach their full potential and experience a smoother transition into school and beyond, setting them on a path towards a brighter and more promising future.

Behavioral Support

Early intervention is paramount in addressing negative behaviors that children may exhibit, such as aggression, self-injury, and tantrums, effectively preventing further escalation. Our comprehensive program encompasses various essential supports, including enhancing social skills, nurturing play skills, improving language and communication abilities, fostering cognitive and academic development, and promoting independence in daily living activities. By focusing on these critical areas, we aim to provide children with the necessary tools and skills to navigate life's challenges successfully.

Safe and Secure Environment

BEE KIDS and Kids Park Child Care ensures the physical safety and emotional well-being of children with developmental challenges. This nurturing space maintains a structured classroom for personalized attention, follows a structured routine to provide predictability, and is staffed by trained professionals who collaborate to offer evidence-based interventions. It encourages positive socialization, promotes open communication with parents, and embraces inclusivity, diversity, and acceptance. Equipped with adaptive resources and continuous assessments, this environment empowers children to thrive, learn, and reach their developmental milestones with confidence and security.

Early intervention is undeniably crucial in the realm of child development and well-being. The early years of a child's life are a period of remarkable growth and plasticity in the brain, making it the optimal time for interventions that can shape a child's future.

Early intervention is not merely about addressing immediate concerns; it's about providing a strong foundation for lifelong success.


Integrated Therapy


Social Skills