Autism Therapy Clinic

Ages 2 – 16

At our autism therapy clinic, we offer a comprehensive approach that combines the strengths of both ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) and NDBI (Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention). We understand that every child is unique, and our integrated therapy approach is designed to maximize their development and well-being.

We provide three convenient session times to choose from, Monday through Friday:

1. Morning Session: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

2. Afternoon Session: 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM

3. Evening Session: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

These sessions are carefully scheduled to accommodate various family needs and provide flexibility for our clients. We are dedicated to helping your child achieve their full potential and enhance their quality of life through this comprehensive and personalized therapy approach.

What is ABA?

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a science dedicated to the understanding and improvement of human behavior. ABA differs from other fields in its focus, aim, and methods. Behavior analysts focus on defining behaviors of social significance, often referred to as target behaviors. Behavior analysts intervene to improve target behaviors while demonstrating a reliable relationship between the intervention and improvements in behavior. Once an effective intervention is implemented, ongoing data collection occurs. Behavior analysts program for generalization and maintenance to ensure that the behavior maintains over time and across different settings and people. Behavior analysts often train staff and caregivers to implement all interventions in order to facilitate a consistent protocol.

Where Are Services Provided?

BEE KIDS currently provides ABA services in Tooele, Utah.

We look forward to offering services in the setting most appropriate for your child, including clinic, childcare, home and community therapy.

What to Expect

Together with our ABA treatment team, you will:

  • Determine which of your child’s behaviors require change

  • Set clear goals and expected outcomes

  • Establish ways to measure changes and improvements

  • Evaluate/assess where your child is now

  • Your child will acquire new skills and replace challenging behaviors with more appropriate behaviors

  • Regularly review your child’s progress

  • Decide whether or not further behavior change is necessary

The length of time spent in ABA depends on the types of deficits being addressed, and your child’s rate of progress.

Initiating Services

ABA treatment team will begin by assessing your child to determine the goals for intervention, and current abilities. Once assessment is completed, an individualized treatment plan will be developed.

During therapy sessions the ABA treatment team will work 1:1 with your child on the selected goals, while simultaneously implementing behavior analytic strategies to reduce challenging behaviors. Precise data collection occurs during each therapy session. For the greatest results, ABA requires ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of applied interventions.

What is NDBI?

Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBI) are implemented in natural settings and use a variety of behavioral strategies to teach developmentally appropriate and prerequisite skills. NDBI models are now considered state of the art for serving the population with autism. An NDBI philosophy blends applied behavior analysis (ABA) and developmental science to address the core symptoms of autism, including face-to-face reciprocal social interactions, imitation, joint attention, and play skills rather than generic development skills.

When It's Used?

ABA is widely known as the most evidence-based intervention available for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or with other developmental disabilities. When ABA is implemented consistently beginning at a younger age (e.g. for at least 20 hours per week, prior to the age of 4) it can significantly improve upon behaviors and skills and decrease the need for special services over a lifetime.

ABA can help autistic individuals improve social interactions, learn new skills, and maintain positive behaviors. ABA also helps transfer skills and behavior from one situation to another, by modifying the environment or settings that serve as triggers for challenging behaviors.

BEE KIDS specializes in providing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBI) for children between the ages of 2 and 16 with developmental diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ADHD, Sensory Processing issues, speech delays, and more. Their team consists of experts trained in ABA, NDBIs, and early child development.

The BEE KIDS clinic classroom is designed to simulate a real school environment to ensure that the skills taught can be applied successfully in various settings. They aim to bridge the gap between home, school, and life to promote success for children in all environments.

ABA, or Applied Behavior Analysis, is a scientific approach focused on understanding and improving human behavior. Behavior analysts identify and target behaviors of social significance, intervening to improve these behaviors and establishing a reliable connection between the intervention and behavioral improvements. Ongoing data collection, generalization, and maintenance are key aspects of ABA, often involving training staff and caregivers for consistency.

NDBIs, or Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions, are implemented in natural settings and utilize a range of behavioral strategies to teach developmentally appropriate and prerequisite skills. NDBIs blend ABA principles with developmental science to address core symptoms of autism, emphasizing social interactions, imitation, joint attention, and play skills.

BEE Kids ensures that children receive counseling from a compassionate, highly trained team, including Board-Certified Behavior Analysts, Behavior Technicians, and Registered Behavior Technicians. Their tailored strategies focus on increasing a child's motivation while improving essential skills such as language, cooperation, social interaction, motor skills, hygiene, personal safety, and more. Every initiative is closely monitored to ensure the highest quality of care for each child.

The NDBI difference

In the world of autism treatment, there are lots of different ways to help kids with autism learn and grow. This can get pretty confusing for parents and caregivers who just want the best for their child. You might have heard of terms like Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) or Early Start Denver Model, and it's hard to figure out what's what.

But in 2015, a new term called Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention (NDBI) was created to make things clearer. NDBI brings together some important ideas from different treatments to help kids with autism. It focuses on teaching skills that make life better, getting kids excited about learning, and doing it all in natural settings like playtime and daily routines.

NDBI combines the science of ABA, which is proven to work, with methods that make learning more interesting and fun. So, it's like a blend of the best teaching techniques. Instead of being a new confusing thing, NDBI is just good teaching that helps kids with autism thrive, no matter their age or where they are on their learning journey.

“Whereas behavioral and developmental research and treatment in ASD initially proceeded separately, the increasing emphasis and evidence on autism intervention during the early childhood period have brought these fields together. These Interventions represent the integration of ABA and developmental science and they not only allow us to achieve more substantial and accelerated child learning and behavior change, but they are particularly well suited to the autism population now being served.”

                                                         -Authors of: Empirically Validated Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder

We accept most insurance

*single case agreements may be possible for families who do not have insurance coverage through one of the listed insurance providers


Integrated Therapy